
November 2, 2023

Declaration of Georgetown signed at the 19th High Level Forum for Ministers Responsible for Water and Wastewater

August 17, 2023

Call for Applications

August 10, 2023

Conference Magazine

August 4, 2023

Welcome to Executive Director

June 13, 2023

Call for Papers 2023

Submission Form Link
January 27, 2023

30th Anniversary Magazine

November 23, 2022


July 16, 2022

CWWA Board of Directors Strategic Planning Meeting 2022-2025

May 5, 2020

COVID-19 Webinar : Caribbean and global impact and response

The COVID-19 pandemic has currently spread to most if not all countries in the world resulting in severe situations both personally and financially. The prevention of the spread of this virus has mostly involved lock downs, more or less severe depending on where you live. In most countries, the lockdown situation meant that generally only essential staff could continue to work at their workplace, be it within the work premises or their approved environment, while the rest of the population had to self-isolate and where posible, work remotely.