Appropriate Technology for Sewage Pollution Control for the Wider Caribbean Region


Under the Cartagena Convention the Governments of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) are developing a Protocol on Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities (the LBSMP Protocol.) The LBSMP Protocol will have source-specific annexes, through which measures will be taken to address priority pollutants. A regional inventory from the 1994 “Regional Overview of Land-based Sources of Pollution in the Wider Caribbean Region,” CEP Technical Report No. 33 (UNEP, 1994) identifies domestic and industrial sewage as the priority source of marine pollution in the Caribbean Region. The Governments in the region have decided that the first two annexes will address domestic wastewater and agricultural non-point sources of pollution.

 report is part of an effort to assist the Governments in developing the annex on domestic wastewater. The purpose of the annex is to identify the most appropriate wastewater treatment technologies and water quality standards for the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR).


Randal W Samstag
